
Online Computer Tips

At Blogger.com when we choose a template, A Navebar appeares at the top of our site, that is called
Blogger Navigation Bar. So, you have 2 frames on your page.It means the importance of the page is divided into two.
For example, Googlebot will visit your main frame as frequently as your other frame possibly containing a menu or
not-so-important data. Therefore do not use frames!

Well, that was just a random seo tip for you since the blogger navigation bar you see at the top is purely CSS :).
Therefore its not killing your site’s SEO potential as much as a frame, BUT the text at the top is what gets indexed at
first. You want the search engine bots to read the main content at first. To do this:

- Log in to your blogger
- On your Dashboard select Layout. This will take you to the Template tab. Click Edit HTML.
Under the Edit Template section you will see you blog’s HTML. (Check mark Expand widget template)
- Download your full template so that in case any problem changing your template then you'll be able to restore it.
- Find

- Now Replace the code by


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