
Online Computer Tips

The font represents the physical characteristics of the letters typed into the document.
By default Microsoft windows XP has different types of font, for example:

*Verdana (TrueType)
*MS Serif
*MS Sans Serif
*Arial (TrueType)
*Times New Roman (TrueType)
*Symbol (TrueType)
*Wingdings (TrueType)

If you want to add new fonts in windows XP, then first make sure, these new fonts
must be TrueType fonts (Font Standard) or particularly designed for windows.

Follow the given steps to add or remove new fonts in windows default font folder:

To install new fonts in your computer:

First log into your computer with administrative rights

*Click on Start button>> Run

*Type "%windir%\fonts" and click ok

*Go to File menu and click on Install New Font option, in the drives box, select the
drives (hard drive, CD-drive or Floppy drive) that contains the new fonts. Here you can
also select the Network option to install the font from network location.

*Select the new fonts and check the option "Copy fonts to Fonts folder" then press Ok
button to finish the process.

To Removing Fonts in your computer:

*Click Start button >> Run
*Type "%windir%\fonts" and ok
*First select the font that you want to remove, Press CTRL key to select more than
one font. Now go to File menu and click on Delete option.

A message will appear "Are you sure you want to delete these fonts?", then press Ok
button to finish the process.


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